Category: Episode

Episode 7: Getting the Lowdown with Yolanda Charles!

Episode 7: Getting the Lowdown with Yolanda Charles!

Yolanda Charles has made her name in the Level 42 sphere by playing on solo albums and gigs with Phil Gould and Mike Lindup. But that just scratches the surface of her storied career. Her latest Yolanda Charles Project PH is a MUST-listen for any Level 42 fan and her current journey from session player to independent artist is an inspired one. And she plays the bass for us on this episode!

Episode 6: Mark King’s Underrated Basslines & Vocals

Episode 6: Mark King’s Underrated Basslines & Vocals

He’s well-known for his jaw-dropping bass heroics, but what about those more subtle Mark King basslines that don’t get the attention they should? Or how about those Mark King’s vocal efforts that aren’t always top of mind? In this episode, Bob, Mikey and Winston pick those unheralded Mark King performances that seem to slip under the radar!

Episode 5: 30th Anniversary of Forever Now!

Episode 5: 30th Anniversary of Forever Now!


In this episode, Winston, Mikey and Bob reflect upon Level 42’s final RCA album – which was released 30 years ago this month.

They discuss the original release versus the Resurgence version, which was more in line with the band’s vision of the album – a fan favorite for many.

Episode 4: Level 42’s Mike Lindup!

Episode 4: Level 42’s Mike Lindup!

A special honor for the podcast as Level 42 founder/keyboardist/vocalist Mike Lindup joins for an extended conversation on Changes 2, his recent live solo show, Level 42 history and a special Geek Out session where the boys get to ask the obscure questions they’ve always wanted to know. And no, the answers were not on a postcard.

Episode 3: A Discussion on Changes 2

Episode 3: A Discussion on Changes 2

Mike Lindup’s long-awaited and highly anticipated Changes 2 was released in 2023 and Bob, Mikey and Winston talk about why it was worth the wait with a deep dive into the tracks, lyrics, messages and players on this new classic album. Plus, a discussion on the new(ish) Live at Switzerland audio and video concert from Level 42.

Episode 2: Julian Hall

Episode 2: Julian Hall

Winston, Mikey and Bob start off talking about the Level 42 song that infiltrated their senses this week, and then enter a deep dive discussion with Julian Hall, the ultimate OG fan who has attended 70+ Level 42 gigs in five different countries, including the band’s very earliest gigs!

Episode 1 – The Turn It On Premiere – The Chat Has Begun!

Episode 1 – The Turn It On Premiere – The Chat Has Begun!

Mikey, Winston and Bob introduce the very first Level 42 fan podcast, with discussions on the unique ways each co-host found the band, their first gigs, their current favorite songs. their most memorable interactions with the band and much more!